Friday, August 31, 2007


Click on the photos to enlarge.

I love this fabric! Michele gave it to me a looong time ago but I never figured out what I wanted to do with it. I think it's perfect for the case.

View from the side. I bought a bag from Goodwill and used the handle, the strap and the strap attachments. I love the big buttons for the closure.

I lined the inside with foam covered with gold velvet fabric. I got the fabric from eBay.

I made two little boxes that fit inside for picks and stuff. They also serve to hold the neck of the uke in place.

After I took these photos I decided to add a little velcro seatbelt so the uke won't fall out of the case if it gets picked up with the lid open. This was a fun project and I love how it turned out.

The carcass is made from foam core and illustration board. The hinge is a piece of leather. It's completely hidden under the fabric. The whole thing is glued to the max. I used water-proof glue for all the outside surfaces. The handles are attached with glue and wire so they should hold pretty well. I tried to predict where the stress points would be and reinforced them. I didn't glue down the little boxes and the foam lining in case I need to go in later for repairs.


Anonymous said...

Waaaaaaay cool! I don't remember if you showed me the fabric when I was there, but it was a surprise to see it brown. I guess I thought it would be white because it was foam core. Duh. That was worth a two-year wait.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Doni - that is beeeuteeful!!! Wait -- you totally made the case from scratch? Or did you start with an old uke case? I LOVE the fabric - it makes me think of the song from the Iron Giant - "Kookie's Mad Pad!"

Donita Curioso said...

Totally from scratch. I traced the outline of the uke onto some paper and took some measurements. The uke has such an unusual shape that no regualr case would fit it.

Yeah! Kookie's Mad Pad! Pretty hip fabric. I don't know where Michele got it. She just thought it looked like me.

vivage said...

Man, I haven't been able to comment or make a post since day before yesterday.

That is a fabulously beautiful,hip case. You could pull in ton of money making those. Make a couple and post them on ebay and see what you can get for them. If nothing you have fabulously hip cases for yourself.

Donita Curioso said...

Well, I don't know about pulling in a ton of money. There are a lot of hours in that case. I should have kept track of how much it cost to make. I think around $40. I'll do that with Bill's case.

Also, you can't really tell from the photos but there are several flaws in this case. If I made them for pay I'd have to do a much better job. I did learn a lot from making this one. I'll bet the next one will be better.

But this one is special.

vivage said...

That is the problem with being a craftsman. Can't really get a living wage out of what you put into it.

All I can say is, it's simply beautiful.

Donita Curioso said...

Thank you!