Thursday, February 03, 2005


The last time I saw Dad he was walking down the gangway so I assume he's on the plane.

There's no way he could have done this on his own. I got an escort pass so I could go with him to the gate. Going through security was fun. We both had to take off our jackets and shoes and put all our belongings in the bins. With Dad that means two jackets, two bags and having to sit down and untie his shoes. That meant running around to find a chair. Why doesn't security have chairs available so old people can take off their shoes without keeling over?

When Dad took off his jacket 2 grapefruit rolled out of his pockets and hit the floor. So now I'm running around trying to retrieve grapefruit while 30 people are trying to get around me and Dad, who is now chatting it up with the humorless trog who is pulling SCISSORS (2 pair) out of his bag.

When we got to the gate we sat down next to this poor guy who clearly didn't appreciate Dad fiddling with stuffing the grapefruits into his bag and then dropping it on the guy's foot. He left. Dad kept taking his ticket out of his pocket and asking if he's supposed to change planes in Phoenix. I kept reminding him about his yellow piece of paper. I explained several times that it's printed on his ticket that he needs assistance and someone will meet him at the gate and get him to the next plane. We had this conversation 6 times in 30 minutes. His ticket may be mushed to pulp by the time he gets there.

I called Jeannie when I got home. She's on it. They went through all this with Nana so they know what's required. She'll remind him to take his meds. She said she and Herbie really noticed when they saw him last year that things weren't quite right. And thank you, David for giving them that call.

Oh yeah, I got Dad's keys.

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