Saturday, July 12, 2008


Just now I was out on the front porch drinking a soda and chatting with one of my cats. I had just put some food out. She was chowing down while I was providing dinner conversation. The bush at the corner of the house rustled and she took off. Then a raccoon poked it's head around the corner! SHEEEIT!!! I lobbed a plastic flower pot at it and clocked it right on the head. Then I threw the plastic cup I had been drinking from. It turned and went back into the bushes. I jumped up and went into the house. Then I went back out and grabbed the cat food bowl and took it in.

A few minutes later the dogs started barking like crazy. I went back out and made a bunch of noise to make sure the raccoon was sufficiently spooked. Then I let Boz out. He ran like crazy all up and own the street, peeing on everything. Um, good boy? There were probably ten raccoons up in trees watching everything he was doing. He crashed around all over the place, which was exactly what I wanted him to do. Then I put him away. I should probably let him do that for a few minutes each night just so he can get some exercise. Letting the raccoons know there's a moron on the loose might discourage them a bit. Anyway, I'll be feeding the cats in the morning from now on.

I need to catch Marty and get him to the vet for his shots. I'm sure he's overdue. I'll have to rent a trap to catch him. He's pretty much feral now. I've had good cats, I've had crummy cats, but I've never had one that was a complete asshole. Until Marty. Marty and Zoe are always in the front yard hanging out in those same bushes. Zoey's shots are up to date.

Last week after class I was walking to my car and noticed some movement out the corner of my eye. It was a skunk! Not 10 feet away! It was ambling along with its tail up and ready for action. There was a girl walking next to me and she and I noticed it at the same time. We both stopped and froze, and then backed up a few steps. Yeesh!

Freakin' wildlife.

Last night I went to Ken's to play music. I invited Jeff and Bill. I went over early to have dinner with Ken and Sherri. Just as we were finishing Trever called and told Ken that Pop was on the way to the hospital. (One of the family quirks. Bernie called Trever, who lives in Tennessee, and told him about Pop. Then Trever called Ken. Bernie is braindead.) Ken called Bernie's granddaughter and got the full story. Pop and Bernie were in a casino playing some game. He kept passing out and his hands went cold. When they couldn't wake him up they called the paramedics. That was as much as anyone knew at the time. Ken and Sherri left for the hospital, in Indio, right after John and Jeff got there. Bill showed up soon after.

The four of us jammed and had a pretty good time. It would have been great if Ken had been there. Oh well, next time. I called Ken after a couple hours. He said they were still in the ER but everything was ok. Apparently Pop is now diabetic and had gotten dehydrated. He's been struggling with bladder cancer for a few years now so his general health hasn't been so good. He was just bouncing back from the cancer and now this. Ken and Sherri said that Bernie was arguing with the doctors about it like she's some kind of diabetes expert because she also has it. They had to explain things over and over to her. Sounds like AD to me. This is who is taking care of Pop. Man, that is one bad situation.

Oh yeah, and I forgot to write about Mindy's sister. She died suddenly last weekend. I haven't gotten the latest report on the whole thing so I don't really know why. I'll catch that one up later.

So yeah, there's some family stress going on right now.


vivage said...

At the last rental house we lived in I used to sit on the porch at nighttime, sometimes reading a book. We had a big siamese cat named Boy Kitty. He used to come by and I'd pet him with my foot.

One night I'm out there reading and out of the corner of my eye I see Boy Kitty come up to my feet. I raised my foot up to pet him and I looked over my book to say hi to him.

Holy SHIT, it was a freaking giant racoon right at my feet. I jumped up on the chair and screamed. The racoon jumped back about 2 ft, opened it's mouth and hissed at me. I swear it's teeth were a full 2 inches long and it must have weighed 50lbs. The hub came running and saw it hissing at me.

It eventualy backed away and went on it's merry way.

Billy Canary said...

And then I ran back in.

Donita Curioso said...

Heh, heh!

This raccoon wasn't as big as yours. The one we had at the farm was huge. That one couldn't figure out how to open the dog food containers so it would try to drag them away. The dogs always heard it, which sent Boz into screaming fits in the middle of the night. We'd let him flip out by the back door for a while just to make sure the cooner was gone and then we'd let him out. After he had his chance to bang around the back yard he'd calm down enough to let him back in.

This raccoon has figured out how to open the cat food container. I had already moved the container into the house but I was still feeding them on the front porch at night.

Oh my god, petting a giant raccoon with your foot! Kitty Boy was probably in the bushes wanting desperately to warn you. Either that, or he was laughing.

The image of Bill darting back into the house made me laugh.

vivage said...

Bwhahahaha, the hub never came outside, he stayed in the safety of the house. He did come running when I screamed but there was the screen door as a barrier.

But don't tell him I told you.

Anonymous said...

KC's got a good one, too. One night she's lying on her couch and she sees cats out of the corner of her eye, she feels a fuzzy thing jump up on her, close to her face, she leans in for a kiss, and just before she smooches it, she sees it's a big RAT.


Anonymous said...

Yep, Boz, the moron on the loose, is probably a good idea!

They say that if a skunk is planning on spraying, it'll do a little dance with its front feet - (I've never seen it), so if you see a skunk doin' kind of the country-western dance thing - you'd better RUNN OFT! (quote from O Brother Where Art Thou?)

Nuh-uh, Dean - that's just too gross and scary to be true!


vivage said...

ewwww, the rat story trumps racoon stories by a mile. Gahhhhhhh.