Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Do I have an accent?

As Jeff and I were coming down from Mt. Rube last night we were talking about song writing. I said that I thought some of my song fragments would make better poems than songs. After a little bit Jeff said, "Can I ask you a question? Don't be embarrassed." Now, when someone says something like that don't you just know an embarrassment is on the way? He said, "What kind of accent do you think you have?" I said, "I dunno...West Riverside, maybe?" He said, "Not Texas?" "No." I told him that when my folks moved to California my dad took classes to lose his Texas accent so he could be a better salesman. We were raised speaking Californianian. Jeff said he wondered if I had some traces of Texas because I said "powems" instead of "poems". He said I said it twice. Powems. I was shocked. It was also pretty damn funny.

I tried to say it again. Even when I tried to stress the POE it still came out POW. Dang! Now I'm hyper aware of it. As I was driving home (by way of the farm) I kept trying to say "poem". It kept coming out as "pome". Oh well. It was good for a laugh. Now I'm wondering what other words are possibly Texafied.

We also talked a little about Jeff's speech patterns. He said people sometimes think he has some kind of accent. I said I can see why because he has a way of flattening his vowels at the end of a sentence. I think it's just his way of adding emphasis. Just now I realized that Bill doesn't have that same quality in his speaking. Pam doesn't either. I think that all of my sibs and I speak in pretty much the same way. Well, except for Debbie. She's been in Missouri for too long. Anyway, it's kind of interesting. My ears perk up when I hear an interesting voice.

And now I'm going to go write some Edgar Allen POEtry. Damn, it still isn't coming out right!


Anonymous said...

I say POE-ems. What's it supposed to be? One syllable? Pomes? I always thought people who say "pomes" are saying it wrong.

Whatever accent you got, I got--have.


Donita Curioso said...

POE-ems is correct. For some reason I pow. Pomes sounds lazy to me.

I amazes me that you can hang onto your Riverside after spending all those years in the south.

Anonymous said...

Well, I do say "y'all" now and then. It's useful.


Donita Curioso said...

Our Texas relatives used to make fun of us for saying "you guys".

vivage said...

I say poe-em. It feels like a texas accent would say pome.

I also use ya'll, a useful word, personally I think it should be a real word not slang.

vivage said...

hahah, I'm at work and thought I'd look it up, take a look at this:

Anonymous said...

Heh--whaddaya know? Poe-im I've heard. That sounds reeeeal southern.


Billy Canary said...

Kerouac said pome.

Donita Curioso said...

I didn't see pow-em on that list. Maybe I saw pow because I have an unconscious desire to hit a poet.

Donita Curioso said...

I mean "say" pow.