Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Sucker messed me up today. I don't get horrible migraines, like Zoey. And I don't get them often. Like once every two years. They're short and usually not that painful. I'll get the visuals, like a hole in the center of my vision and the periphery gets all weirdly sparkly. Sometimes I'm mildly aphasic. In the end I'm left with a small headache. That's the usual pattern.

This time the headache started first. I was going over some documents looking for this specific contract (I know, that does not sound like me) and I noticed I was having trouble concentrating on what I was doing. Then I noticed the band of shape-shifting, multi-colored triangles moving across the upper half of my visual field. I told my co-worker what was going on. At least I think that's what I was saying to her. I was having trouble talking.

I sat at my desk with my eyes closed. It took about half an hour for the triangles to go away. I remembered I had an Advil in my purse and took it. By the time I left I felt like I could drive home. That was pretty difficult. My head was pounding like a mo-fo. When I got home I went straight to bed and slept for three hours. I still feel pretty crappy. I hope this isn't what they're evolving into.

I had one once when I was on stage doing a matinee at SRJC. I noticed that the lights looked unusually bright. I was having a hard time just standing up. Fortunately, I had no lines, I just had to stand there and look interested. When I got off Stage I had the stage manager call the director and ask if it was ok for me to sit out the rest of the show. All I had after that was a crowd scene and the curtain call. I went into one of the classrooms and laid down on some floor mats. I think being under the lights made things more sparkly. It was weird. By the time the evening performance rolled around I was fine.

The migraines also affect my thinking. I tried talking to Lindsay on the phone and I couldn't remember certain words. If you read my comment on the Unhappy Kitten post you can see I was having some trouble. So, I'm going back to bed to sleep this off.

The kitty is happier today. We're having many litter box successes.


vivage said...

I hate migraines. I used to get aura's and now I don't. Which sounds like it might be better but it's not. I hate thinking that my optic nerve damage is from a migraine but it might be. I hate that my daughter gets them so often and I hate that you get them at all.

I really hate them and wish you didn't get them at all.

Donita Curioso said...

I feel bad for Zoey. My sister, Stacey, gets them fairly often. Hers are also pretty painful. Mine usually aren't all that painful.

They're the reason I have to pay through the nose for my health insurance. It pisses me off. The first doc that saw me put "suspected TIA" in her report even though my doctor and the optometrist I saw after that both said it was a migraine. I'm going to see my doctor on the 28th. I'll ask her if there's some way I can get that taken off my records.

vivage said...

Why do they suspect TIA's? High BP and migraines and all the neurological signs of migraines?

Donita Curioso said...

It just came up in the conversation and she wrote it down. I think Jim was the one who first mentioned it as a possible worry.

Anonymous said...

May it be two years until the next one. I can't imagine having a headache that bad.


vivage said...

Well, that really sucks. I can where they might put that in my file (because that is what the Opthomologist told me). I might have had a stroke or TIA's that caused my optic nerve damage. But without sometime more definitive for you I can't believe that they'd put that in your file as a marker.

Donita Curioso said...

Dean- Yeah, as migraine sufferers go I'm pretty lucky. And usually they don't hurt that bad.

Virginia- It's pretty stupid. You just never know when something seemingly innocent will end up causing a problem later on. I'm going to ask my doc about it when I see her on the 28th.