Tuesday, June 03, 2008

For the good of the party

I got this idea from Daily Kos. Hillary said she's willing to consider accepting the VP spot if it'll help insure getting a Democrat back into the White House. One woman on Kos said she'd be willing to sleep with George Clooney if, and only if, it would bring about world peace. You can sign me up for that one, only I'd be doing it for a cure for cancer. To get a Democrat back into the White House I'd be willing to do extensive research on which sushi restaurant serves the best mussels. I'm talkin' nation-wide, people. That's how dedicated I am.

What would you do?


vivage said...

I'd take on Johnny Depp for lowering the price of gas.

Life is hard but I could bear the weight.

Donita Curioso said...

A brave and selfless act, to be sure. I hear he's much more handsome in person, so be on your guard.

Anonymous said...

I'd be willing canvass all the masseurs at the top spas in the country.


vivage said...

I say: "En gard Johnny!"