Saturday, May 26, 2007

Yard sale

Whew! I'm glad that's done!

It was mostly uneventful and mostly unsuccessful. I made about $130. Not one of Jim's computer books sold and hardly any of the paperbacks. Sold lots of the electronics trinkets, lots of tools. Got rid of the very heavy table saw.

Dad drove down at around 1:30. He started ragging on me about my prices. I couldn't get him to understand that I really don't care how much I get for this junk. It's costing me way more than that just to have it in my life. He will NEVER understand that concept. Mr. Big-Barns-Full-Of-Shit will never understand that an object is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. He doesn't understand that if I don't let it go I'll only have to move it to a new house. That makes this stuff costly. Some of the things I sold today have been through three moves.

He asked me if I'd done one of these sales before. I could see where he was going with this. He asked a bunch of questions that weren't really questions, They were his way of telling me he thinks I'm too stupid to live. So, ok, I'm not raking in the bucks on my crap. I don't care. I think that filling his house, his barns, his barnyard, the area that was supposed to become a duck pond, filling his whole fucking farm with crap makes HIM too stupid to live. All that space he could have used to make his business more successful, space that could have been rented out to other businesses, space that could have been kept more beautiful so that his family would have enjoyed spending time there (which is what he would have loved), all that space has been filled with absolute garbage.

And that happened BEFORE Alzheimer's.

The kids and I moved everything into the sales shed. I'm going to have the next sale in September. That's when I'll get rid of the Halloween stuff and some furniture.

And hey, it's still early! I can go play!


vivage said...

well, i just commented on my own blog that maybe things went smoothly because stan wasn't mentioned in your comments to me. LOL.

maybe the sept sale should be donw on a sunday when he is in church. and maybe you can appeal to his christian side and say you are giving this stuff up for a song because poor people need this stuff but also need to feel like they are paying something so it's not charity.

then again stan will find a reason why this is a stupid idea as well, i think based on his need to denigrate and be a mean cuss.

Donita Curioso said...

Bingo. I'm not going to sweat it too much. If he comes down while I'm having the next sale and starts up with me I'll just send him back up to the house. Anyway, I don't have to worry about that until September. Maybe he'll have something else to do that day.

If he starts ragging on me about letting my stuff go I'll just tell him to go take a look around at his barn yard and see if he's so damned pleased that he kept all that junk.

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

You don't need this emtional poison Stan is feeding you.

1. All the more reason to get into grief recovery.
2. All the more reason to move sooner rather than later.
3. All the more reason to get Stan the help he needs.

Just my 2 cents.

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

By the way, when my mother asks about stuff I sold and how much I gt for it, I just answer $100. Maybe you could just price everything at $100 to please Stan and then bargain down from there.

Donita Curioso said...

Thank you for your two cents. I'll say this about that.

Dad's emotional poison actually affects me less than it used to. His venom is much weaker than it used to be. Yes, it's hard to deal with but it happens pretty infrequently. Also, I really do think his new medication has taken a lot of the fight out of him.

Keep bugging me about grief recovery. Ok, I'm writing it down on a post-it so I'll remember to make that call. There, I just did it.

I can't move until I'm ready. The land sale must be finalized. I've got to have a job. I'm ok with the wait.

I do think that Dad is getting all the help he needs right now. Maybe it's not being handled perfectly but it's awfully close. I also feel that my sibs and their spouses are taking good care of me. If things really get hard all I have to do is call for help. After Jim died we all discussed my being able to handle Dad and his day to day care. At that time I told everyone I couldn't do it, that things needed to change. But it's turned out to be not as bad as I thought it would be. It helps to know that this isn't going to go on forever. It'll probably be less than a year until I'm free from this. I can handle that.

Thank you, my good friend. You've really been there for me. Keep on contributing those two cents.