Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dean!!!!!

Sorry to post this so late. Texas is two hours ahead so I don't want to call. I mailed your card and gift too late to get there on time, but they are on their way. Happy Birthday! I love you!

You are now 52. I'm not far behind you. Yeesh, they keep comin', don't they? I guess it's better than the alternative.

I don't have an pictures of you on my iPhoto that I can post here. So, I'll recite the little poem from one of the coolest cards you ever got for me.

Friends will come, and friends will go
And friends will peter out, you know
But we'll be friends through thick and thin
Peter out, or peter in.



vivage said...

Happy Birthday Dean!

Anonymous said...

Thank yew, thank you all. I think we are now in the "peter out" era of our lives, heh heh... ahem.

I was going to start lying about my age this year, Donita, but thanks to you, now the internets know everything!

Since my birthday fell the day after a long weekend, I was able to milk the occasion three extra days.

Well, it's not over yet, but soon we'll be 60, and then that's it. Except for the senior discount, there is nothing after 60.

Yours agedly,


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dean! :)

Anonymous said...

Well, Happy Birthday Dean! 52 isn't so bad - in fact, it was kind of fun at first - now 52 1/2, well, it's kinda gettin' old........


Anonymous said...

Well, Dean, 57 ( & 1/2) would have been alright except for a promotion (unasked-for) at work and all the STRESS involved!!

Hope your next few years are better!

iyfxucp- (expletive-deleted)

Anne (Kyle's Mom)

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday Yesterday, Dean!

Anonymous said...

Thank you one and all.


Anonymous said...


Happy Birthday to my first High School Girlfriend. Seems like decades ago.

Wait a minute, it was decades ago, WOW!!! I'm not giving out my age, my story is that you dated a child in High School, and I'm sticking with it.

Hope you had a happy one.


Anonymous said...

I remember picking you up from kindergarten.


qzeeelt: sound an Amish woman makes when she's stretching a quilt.

Donita Curioso said...

Oops, sorry for outing your agedness. Seriously, you and I could both pass for 23.

"We'll soon be 60..." You take that back NOW!

Anne- When women lie about their age it's usually in the younger direction. Please, no one would believe that you're 57. I don't know why you would make up such a story. I mean, REALLY!