Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Democratic National Convention

Well, THAT was pretty fuckin' cool.

What did you think?

That stadium was amazing. McCain should give his acceptance speech in Sturgis so he can draw a crowd.

Jeff said we should volunteer to play at Obama events. Hell, yes!

Anyway, it's late and I have to get up early. Comments, please.


Anonymous said...

I've become too cynical. I only saw the parts excerpted on the Daily Show. I just keep remembering how excited I was that John Kerry was mashing Bush to a pulp in the debates, it just had to be obvious to everybody, and look how that turned out.

Sorry to be a depressing cloud. Can we say "Gustav"?


vivage said...

I am blissfully unaware of the entire convention. No tv ('cept in the bedroom where I have to turn my head to see the screen).

And I missed every moment of the Olympics too.

Anonymous said...

Oooh I liked the Olympics. I didn't plan to watch much of it, but I got sucked in. The opening ceremonies were SPECTACULAR. And those buildings!! Wow!! And the swimming relays won by a fuckin' FINGERnail! I really enjoyed them.

Anonymous said...

That was dean.

vivage said...

A friend of mine is buying the dvd of the opening ceremonies so I'll watch that. This was the first summer Olympics I've ever missed. Always enjoy watching but surprisingly didn't really miss it while it was on.

But I would have gotten sucked in had the tv be in working order.

Donita Curioso said...

I watched the Olympics with my family when my cousins were visiting. That was fun. Otherwise, I wasn't into it. The dvr is a great invention.

I didn't see a lot of the convention, just the major speeches. I found it all to be very uplifting and yes, I am full of hope.

Especially since McCain's VP pick. Oh, lordy.

Anonymous said...

No kidding!


Nancy said...

I have to say, that makes me a little more hopeful, too.