Tuesday, June 21, 2005

House of Disharmony

That's what we gots here today. And Dad is nowhere to be seen. This is all ours.

The girls are upset with each other over Lindsay's boyfriend. Paige doesn't like him and she took it upon herself to talk to Lindsay's best friend about it. Hilarity ensued.

We've been hashing it out. It's not easy, lots of dead silence between comments. Lindsay's pretty hurt. I think it will all be ok in the end but there's some shit to go through first. Jon's here now.

Jim's been limping around with a shin splint for the last few days. Being in constant pain can get a person down. He's out right now buying electronics for the uke case.

I'm trying to keep things on an even keel. I had my own emotional upheaval a few weeks ago so I don't want to get dragged down with this one. The situation doesn't need any added pressure.

Jim just got home. He's going to take Paige out for driving practice. I'm sure they'll have their own talk about all this. Sheesh.

Calgon, take me away.

Let's see, we've got realtors coming this afternoon. Maybe after that we'll go to Ken's and go awimming. It's been pretty hot the last couple days so the pool should be warmer. Swimming would be good for my back and Jim's leg.

Ugh! I haven't done ANYTHING today and that bothers me.

Ok, let it go.


vivage said...

For Jim: Ice the shin. 20 mins on and 20 mins off. Anti-inflammatories. 800 mil (motrin) is the perscription strength. If he pronates the foot, get an arch support to wear in his shoes.

Whats wrong with your back? I can give you some floor exercises to do if it's weak and you're having lower back pain.

p.s. I am not a doctor.

Donita Curioso said...

Virginia- I keep telling him to ice it but he'd rather cool it off in his brother's pool. Men. He's been taking Aleeve and I've been giving him curcumin, which is supposed to help with inflamation.

I have problems with my lower back. I injured it a few years back. If I go to my chiro (Trey) regularly it's not a problem. I'd love to hear about those floor exercises.

Dean- Paige was concerned about Lindsay so she talked to Chelsey. She couldn't think of anyone else besides me and Jim to talk to about it.

I don't know if Jon's issues come from being immature, being an only child or having character flaws. Sometimes he's rude and pushy. Sometimes inconsiderate. Lindsay says he treats her well but we've seen that sometimes he treats others poorly. I haven't been too happy about their late-night makeout sessions. He is underage and we do have a responsibility to his parents. It's just been a sticky situation and we've been trying to be nice about it. Paige doesn't like having him in her sphere.

We need a bigger house.

vivage said...

Lots of times lower back pain is due to lack of back and ab strength. So an easy to do exercise is this tabletop extension.

Get down on hands and knees. Hands should be directly underneath the shoulders, knees directly under the hips. Head should be looking down to the ground, eyes focused just slightly above where the hands lie.

Inhale and extend your right arm out to the front, shoulder level. At the same time extend your left leg out towards the back. Hold for a count of 5 if you can. Also, lightly move your belly muscles towards the spine during the balancing. After 5 inhale/exhale return your limbs to the resting place and switch sides.

Do 6 of those (on each side) the first 4 or 5 days and then increase the count to 10 for the next few days. After that you can add reps, you'll be amazed how quickly you can strengthen your back muscles this way.

I have a good ab one too. Doesn't involve traditional crunches either.They're easier to perform, but they're way more effective.

Lay on your back. Bring your knees up and hold your shins at a 90 degree angle (shins will be perpendicular to the floor). Try to keep your lumbar/sacrum pushing down to the floor. Now place your hands on your thighs up by your knees.

Begin to move both thighs towards your chest. Slowly. Resist with your hands. Keep breathing (this is an exercise that everyone tries to hold their breath in, keep breathing!) After you've gone as far as your thighs will let you, slowly lower your thighs by pushing with your hands...but resist the pushing hands with your thighs. Do 12. You'll feel it I promise.

vivage said...

Oh yeah, tell Jim the ice really, really, really helps and it helps fast. He will get almost instant relief (at least for a little while after he applies the ice) and it helps the anti-inflammatories to work faster.

Donita Curioso said...

Virginia- Wow! I'll try these exercises. Thanks!

Dean- This is a hard one. Lindsay is 20 years old. It's not like she was 14 and we told her we didn't like her boyfriend. Then we felt we needed to protect her. Now she's an adult. She ought to be able to have a jerk boyfriend without us butting in. If it looked like it was getting serious and they started talking about marriage, then we'd probably say something.

I just reeeally hope she doesn't get pregnant.

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

Donita: Just start doing yoga.

Jim: Ice the damn shin splint for God's sake. I had a problem with my achille's tendon awhile back and my Dr. suggested ice, among other things, especially after I exercise. The thing is, Jim, it feels good.

Virginia: What's the website for yoga solutions? I found two cards and I've apparently paid for a shitload of classes. I need an updated schedule. Do you recommend that I take or not take your class tomorrow.

Legadillo: How ya doin'?

vivage said...

Donita, I promise they'll help, so let me know what you think.

Jeff: The website is: http://www.yogasolution.tk/ But I'll warn you right now I can never get the danged thing to open. If you don't end up coming tomorrow (and yeah you should come) I'll pick up a schedule and give it to you when I see you.

Donita Curioso said...

Well, I hope so. I'd hate to be sitting in a church on her wedding day crying because the weeding out process didn't happen naturally. Oh well. We've had that conversation so we'll see what happens.

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

Legaldillo: Is that 15 minutes of work left for the rest of your life or just for today? There could be a difference, you know.

Vivage: Thanks.

Donita: Are those drums made from gigantic gourds dumbeks, Djindjas. or just gigantic courds?

Jim: Did you put ice on your shin splint or not? Don't make me come over there.

Legaldillo: I'm fine. It's summer. I'm going to a folk fest this weekend and trying to decide whether or not I'm in the market for a drum made from a gigantic gourd. Want one?

Donita Curioso said...

After reading your comment I went right in and smacked an ice pack on Jim's leg. He's been icing it ever since.

The only drums I've seen made from giant gourds are the ones used in Hawaiian music and I don't know what they're called. If you want a good drum circle drum get a djembe. If you get one at the festival it might cost a bit more. I'll see if I can remember who I got my dumbek from and send you the link. They have pretty good prices.

Jim said...

Okay, I'm icin', I'm icin already! Lookee here, I'm cooperatin'! No, it does help.

Lark in the morning is a good online store to look at various instruments. their percussion section is pretty complete. The menu on the right of the page will lead you to bodhrans, djembes, doumbeks, etc.