Monday, February 04, 2008

Well, he's ok now.

I don't know why we think we'll be able to take a break. It hasn't worked so far.

Drew called this morning just before I left for work. It was a quick phone call so I don't have all the details. Dad had a minor health incident yesterday. He was watching the game when he started having chest pains. I guess they were bad enough and persisted long enough for the staff to get worried. They called the paramedics and he was taken to the hospital. Drew spent the night with him there. They did some tests on him but the only thing wrong with Dad is he's anemic. They think maybe he just had some bad heartburn or acid reflux. Drew and MIndy took him back to Sunrise this afternoon. I went over at around 5.

Dad was just finishing dinner. He was a little mad because he didn't like what they were serving. Drew got him a ham sandwich which he liked a bit better. After a while Drew and Mindy went home. I stayed for about an hour. We went back to Dad's room and chatted for a bit. He's spaced out and dull. Dulled, really. It's sad to see. I'd almost rather see him fight. He kept talking about wanting to go someplace, to get out of there. He wants to go to the movies or on a family picnic. He wants to come over to my house and help me move in. There's nothing for him to do there except sit in his room and watch tv or go to the dining room to eat. I'm sure they have activities there but I doubt he'd enjoy that kind of thing. I think he knows that the place he's in now really is the old folks home.

When I left he wanted to walk me out to my car. I was doing my best to try to talk him out of it without actually telling him he couldn't walk out with me. One of the staff overheard and said she'd walk with us. Once we got out to the hall she said, "Ok, goodbye!" and held Dad's arm and got kind of cuddly with him while I punched the code on the key pad and left through the big secure door. Dad must know that he's locked in.

Yesterday was the uke group meeting. Jeff was sick so we were without our leader. It was a good meeting but it wasn't the same without our BABoR. After that I went to a Super Bowl party at Bruce's. Ken, Sherri, Amber and her boyfriend were there. Tim and Jan, too. I had a good time. I got home at around 6:30. I was pretty tired so I went straight to bed. Early to bed, early to rise, dammit. I woke up at 4am. All I could do was either lay there and stare at the ceiling for two hours or get up. I got up and puttered. Bleah.

Work was good today. I did computery stuff. It was kind of dry in the office which gave me a runny nose. I was blowing my nose all day. I was talking to different people and running errands around the building and even met some new people. Tra-la-la. On the way home I scratched my nose and found a piece of dried up booger on my nostril. HOW LONG WAS THAT THERE!?!?! How many people did I talk to with that dried up booger attached to my nose?!?! AAAIIEEEE!!!!!!

I feel like the dorkiest dork in dorkdom.


Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

It's been there for about two weeks. Billy C and I had started a booger pool to see how long it would take you to notice.

Donita Curioso said...

Ok, first, the words "booger" and "pool" should never be used together like that.

Second, gee, thanks a lot. Not even my good friends will help me out and tell me there's a booger on my nose.

Third, who won?

Billy Canary said...

Moms Mabley

vivage said...

Sheeee-it. I didn't get into the pool.