Monday, October 03, 2005

On the verge of change

At least I hope so.

So many things have happened in the last two weeks that I haven't blogged about. Some are things I didn't want to share around so I've kept them from this public forum. It's all becoming a blur anyway so I'm not going to revisit all of it. But I've been doing a lot of thinking about what my next move should be. I'm looking for the first action I can take that will get things moving in a positive direction.

It's been a very difficult 2 weeks.

But I'm ready to do something about it. I want to see about joining an AD support group. It's time. They have them at Kaiser. I'm also seriously thinking of getting some counseling (for the first time in my life). Tomorrow we're starting the GTD project. If my house is less chaotic it will help me handle all that other stuff better.

I think those are 3 good steps.


vivage said...

Good for you, I think the support group will be a good thing. Call them and get yo'self in there.

Donita Curioso said...

We're not organized people. Also, when you move from a small house into a smaller house organizing becomes all that more important. I agree, it is the first step to happiness.

What I've needed is a system and I like David Allen's. I'm not disciplined enough to just keep everything cleaned up and put away. Having some kind of structure will really help. Also, the concept of "a place for everything and everything in its place" is something I've never been able to achieve.

So, today we're starting on the mountains of paperwork that need to be processed. I also need to set up a time with Drew when he can come over with some big equipment and move that trailer. None of this will work without adequate storage.

I'm feeling hopeful again. Still stressed, but hopeful.

Anonymous said...

Hopeful is good! I agree, once again, with Legadillo! I can't function well when my house is discombobulated and askew either! I support you - go at it! I also know from my elderly neighbor down the street who is trying so hard to live with his wife and going to a support group weekly that it is a very good thing for him to go. It kind of lets him know what to watch for and talk about it with people from the "inside". She gets angry with him when she can't find her jewelry and accuses him of hiding it from her. He tries to get her to put it in the same place each day, but she won't. He doesn't get much time to himself because she doesn't want to be left alone. He's in his early 80's and doesn't have Jim or the girls, so you can only imagine what he goes through on a daily basis! His kids live in Hawaii and when he tried to visit them several years, his wife got there and declared she wanted to go home, and if he didn't take her home, she was going to walk home!

Just try and console yourself with the fact that you're doing the best that you can day after day, learning as you go, with only limited help from Stan, and it isn't goddamned $#%$^^ easy!


Donita Curioso said...

We got a start on GTD today. This first part is going to take some time. Gotta take a lot of breaks or I'll go mad. So many stacks of papers. Plus, my back doesn't like all this half bending.

I moved the sofa closer to the tv so we have about half of the living room to do this project. Jim and I moved the big banquet table in. I have the boxes of papers under the table. On another table are a calendar, post-its, a stapler and the paper shredder. Another table holds the sorted stacks. A big trash can sits to the side.

Part of this whole thing is the 43 Folder System (Google it). We need to get a nice box with 43 folders. We also need more file folders for the file cabinet. I already got a new BIG calendar.

Yuck, it's windy today. Even though I'm working inside I feel all dried up. I'm going walking later.

Take Chapstick.

vivage said...

I have to watch this organizational frenzy from afar because I'm the last person in the world to have an organized house.

I can tell you frequent breaks are ncessary so one doesn't go crazy from too much organization at one time.

Donita Curioso said...

Dean- Yep, that's it. There are several things in the action pile that can't be done right away. But you don't want to file those away and you don't want them in a pile with everything else. If an item needs a phone call or some other action say on the 15th then you put it in the 15 folder. The 43 folders are active files that you check and rotate every day.

Virginia- Boy, you said it. We just got through one basket of filing today. I have 2 more big boxes and the file cabinet to tackle. My eyes go buggy and my back starts to hurt if I work too long on this stuff. But we did get a lot done today. I have 2 big, neat, alphabetized piles ready to go and a big trash can that's half full. My calendar has been marked and I have an action pile with post-its all over it. I think it's a great start.

vivage said...

My eyes are bugging out reading all of this.

I'm a cheerful failure of organization and I'm cheering for you to win! Go Donita and Jim!

Donita Curioso said...

Another word for the 43 folder thing is a tickler file. I do not like this name.