Sunday, July 03, 2005

I'm back!

That was a pretty good weekend.

Drew still had some trouble with the new boat, which was disappointing mainly for Drew. He worked on it for a while and then gave up. We still had two other boats.

H O T !!!! Lordy, it was hot. Paige got a semi bad sunburn the first day. She still had a good time. We're all a bit fried but we were pretty careful about keeping the sunscreen applied. The water felt goooood.

Gracie was a total trooper. She swam a LOT so she was pretty sore by the end of the day. We'd have to help her up in the mornings but once she hit the water she loosened up. The kids had fun with her. She was a good, good doggie.

Lindsay and Paige got some skiing lessons from Drew. They almost got the hang of it but the water was pretty rough so they'll just have to wait till next time. I'm sure they'll get it eventually. Paige did get to do some tubing.

Yesterday the wind came up and the whole camp got battered. Some of us gave up on the tents altogether and slept outside under the stars. I liked that better anyway. Much cooler. And ah! those stars. Beautiful.

At night you could hear the wild burros off in the distance. Reminded me of the sand people in Star Wars. We didn't see any coyotes this time. Heard 'em, tho.

I think it was good for all of us to get out of town for a while. The adults did a lot of sitting around this time. Scottie was nursing some bruised ribs and Jim still had his shin splint. The kids had a great time tubing. We had a fun game of volleyball in the water. We drank lots of Margaritas and Bloody Marys. We sang goofy songs by the fire.

Tomorrow I want to sit around and do nothing. But it's the 4th so I'll only be able to goof off in the morning.

Tired, tired, tired me.

1 comment:

vivage said...

Glad you're back. Hopefully you've recovered enough to not be tired, tired, tired.