Saturday, May 17, 2008


Last night Lindsay and I took Katie to the emergency vet and had her put down. She'd been sick for a while and we knew she wasn't going to get any better. Last night she let us know it was time to let go. We're going to miss her. She was the best cat we ever had. She was a good buddy to me last year.

I remember when we first brought her and her brother Mack home as tiny kittens. Mackie was with us for only a year. He was a sweet but curious kitty and one day he just disappeared. But Katie stuck around. She was very much Lindsay's kitty. She didn't have much use for the rest of us but you could really see how happy she was in Lindsay's arms. I used to call her Snooty Boots back then. As the years went by she warmed up to the rest of us. She loved a good lap.

She was a very pretty girl.

Bye, Katie.


vivage said...

Bye pretty girl Katie.

Donita, I hope all three of you girls are alright after making the decision.

Nancy said...

I'm so sorry about Katie. She was a beautiful kittie; kind of like a bunch of different tabbies in one.

Anonymous said...

Bye bye Katie. How old is she in that photo?


Anonymous said...

Oh... So sorry- it's so hard to lose a beloved kitty- then you'll see something that color out of the corner of your eye and think it's the kitty-you're so used to having it around.
Maybe Kyle can draw a Katie pic :)

Donita Curioso said...

Wow, for some reason the comments aren't showing up in my inbox.

Thanks, you guys. We're doing ok. Lindsay is spending the weekend with her best friends and Paige is here with her buddy. They baked cakes this afternoon.

Nancy- She was like a pastel calico. You know, at first I didn't want to get her. We already had Rickie (remember Icky Rickie?) and I didn't want two more cats and I just wanted a male. But there she was all cute and stuff and Lindsay grabbed her up and wouldn't let go. I had heard that calicos have good personalities so we decided to get her as well. It was so fun having two little kittens in the house. She and Mackie would zoom through the house, sounding like a herd of elephants on that hardwood floor. And Gracie looooved those kittens. Katie and Mack always had wet heads because Gracie was licking them all the time.

Uh-oh. Somebody smack me with a board. I'm starting to think that getting a kitten or two or five is a good idea. No, I shall be strong.

Dean- I think she was about 3 years old in that photo.
Anne- Yeah, I miss having her sleep with me. If Kyle wants to draw a Katie picture we'd love it.

I just miss her. I think I did most of my mourning when we first found out she had kidney failure. She was ten years old, not really old for a cat. It would have been nice to have her for a bit longer.