Monday, June 05, 2006

A summer of music and hard work

Holy cow!

Paige is going on this drum corps tour and I'm going with her. I'm going along as general support staff. I'll be driving a 12 passenger van, cooking and cleaning in the food trailer, running errands and generally being on hand for whatever generally might come up. The tour is 3 weeks long but there will also be some weekends and a week-long band camp where I'll be needed to help out.

Hoo-boy! It's gonna be interesting. Good for me, I think. And great for Paige. There's an American group and a Japanese group that will combine and then tour together. There are 2 professional chefs who are going along so I won't be doing much actual cooking, just cutting up a lot vegetables. Big relief there! I think we'll be eating a lot of Japanese food. Big bummer, eh?

Paige looooves this group! She says the attitude is much better, much more mature than in Ramona's band. The music is more challenging. These people are there to work, not screw around.

When I'm not working with the drum corps I'll be working hard on Kyle's music. We had a great practice last night! Very productive. I think we all feel encouraged that we'll be able to do a good show with our pared-down group. I'm getting better on ukulele. Totally digging that.

Rats! Blogger is having trouble. More later...


vivage said...

That does sound like fun. Where is the tour going to tour? Will you have any off time for yourself? Yeah, way bummer on the japanese food (man, do I miss japanese food made by a japanese person!).

Donita Curioso said...

I don't know if the chefs will be American or Japanese. One of each would be great!

I'll post the tour schedule when I get it.

Anonymous said...


I talked to Ben last night when he drummed for Trucker (!). and gave him a CD of TV's Kyle songs to check out. He said he may even drum for us in exchange for drawings from me! Woah! More importantly, it confirms his interest. SWEET.

fmpdhlik: Page 45 of the Swedish kama sutra.

Donita Curioso said...

Ben drummed for Trucker? Where was Andy? Where were we? Oh yeah, that's right, we were HOME doing NOTHING. Someone neglected to tell us that there was a show.

Oh yeah, great news about Ben. I hope that someday we'll be able to throw some cash his way. Not that your drawings aren't fabulous. He just can't eat them.

nlqpi- Don't lick the pie.