Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Raptor luv

There were two pairs of hawks on Mt. Rubidoux this evening who were doing that in-flight mating ritual thing. Way, way cool. They'd glide together for a while and then one would drift closer. Then they would both turn and try to grab ahold of each other. Every time they twirled around a little but they were never able to make a good connection. Except for one time. They were soaring in the updraft of hot air blowing up the side of the mountain. Then they grabbed on and went spinning up like a hawk frisbee and disappeared over the top of the rocks. It looked amazingly awesome (dude), like a multipronged boomerang made of feathers.

After a while the activity slowed down. They moved higher and held still, riding the thermal wave. I moved on down the road. Another Mt. Rubidoux treat.

Dental appointment tomorrow. Later, I'm getting an estimate on having that sofa and chair that we found in the trailer reupholstered. I've never done this before. I figure of it's under $400 it's a good deal. We'll see.


Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

A long time ago, as best I could in the dark, I saw a couple of owls doing it in the air like that.

Donita Curioso said...

Ooh, owls. I didn't know they did it too.

Right now there's a nest of baby owls in the palm tree in front of our house. You can hear them being fed. All around the base of that palm tree are lots of tiny bones. I call it the palm tree of death.

Donita Curioso said...

Ah, now the teeny hawks that live around here are doing it. Tis the season, I guess.

We caught one of those hawks here the other day. I came into the back yard and one was sitting on the ground next to the bicycles. It was having a hard time staying upright and it had flies all over it. Poor thing! I'm glad Bozzie didn't see it or he would have killed it.

Jim, Lindsay and I corralled him into a cardboard box and took him into the studio. We called some bird rescue places but since it was Saturday all we could do was leave messages. I finally called animal control and they sent someone out. She examined the hawk and found that one wing had been chewed a bit but it seemed to work just fine. She said they'd probably keep him in the shelter overnight and release him in the morning.

It was a very pretty little bird.

kcmyku- the sound a mating hawk makes.