Friday, February 03, 2006

Meditation class

I went to my first meditation class last night. I've been wanting to explore meditation ever since I heard on the news that meditation can actually make your brain bigger. Dude, give me a bigger brain! Yeah, yeah, there's also all that stuff about it being good for mental clarity and inner peace. But hey, bigger brain.

I found out about the class from Virginia. She and Bill were there last night. I was glad to have some friends there since I'm a total novice.

The class is being taught by a Buddhist nun. I'd never met a Buddhist nun before and I know so little about the whole thing I didn't know what to expect. When I first walked into the building she was coming down the hall towards me. She wore red and yellow robes and had her hair in a buzz cut so I was pretty sure she was the one leading the class. Just a brilliant guess on my part. She noticed my guitar pin and raved about it. She told me she used to play bass. Now THERE'S a band! Her name is (spelling?) Rokma. Like Rock Ma World. Virginia, how is it spelled?

We did a simple breathing meditation first. Breathing in pure, white light and breathing out dark smoke. (Not literally, of course. That would be scary and would probably violate some kind of safety regulations.) It was relaxing and energizing. It also helped get me settled down and ready to listen. She talked about desire and desirous attachment. Some of it really hit home.

After the break we did another meditation, this time adding in stating the desire for inner peace. If we have inner peace we'll always be happy. So our "assignment" is to think about wanting inner peace and then meditate on it.

I really enjoyed this class. When I had a series of hypnosis sessions a few years ago I noticed that I felt very peaceful most of the time. I think this could do pretty much the same thing. I know it will be useful for getting me through the trying times ahead. Damn, I should have done this before Christmas!


vivage said...

Rakma. :-)

Those yellow/burgandy robes make a statement don't they? Something to the effect of buddhist nun.

Remind me to show you the pranayama meditation I sometimes use in my yoga class. For me, one of the best ways to keep to the breath and not let the mind meander all over.

Yay, for guided meditations!

kaampsgj: end of meditation sound

Donita Curioso said...

Virginia- Sure, show me anything you like! I'm into it.

Dean- Mantra? Didn't get one. Gotta pay extra for those.

Man, I feel marvelous today. It's really something. I haven't felt this good in ages. Maybe the diet and exercise, maybe last night's meditation, maybe everything. Whatever it is, it's working.

I walked to band practice tonight. It's 2 miles from our house to Ken's. I sang the Moobeard song all the way there. I felt great when I got to Ken's. Just bouncy. I had a huge burst of energy in the middle of practice. Crazy.

I want more of that.

vivage said...

LOL, I love it that you're feeling marvelous, no matter what got you there!

Bwhahahah, using the word crazy after you just explained walking 2 miles in public singing the moobeard song.

wxzuz: Fozzie's blankie

Donita Curioso said...

Fozzie's Blankie would be a good name for a band.

Oh yeah,anyone walking down the street singing the Moobeard song must be completely nuts! I'll send it to you.

vivage said...

Cool, jaunty song. Yeah, I think this would be a great Open Mike song for you guys to do.

Bwhahaha, now all 3 ipods in the house will have Moobeard on them.

pkixt: pixel kit for non-cartoonists