Monday, January 30, 2006


This morning Lindsay showed us the music for Kyle's cartoon, Moobeard the Cow Pirate. We heard the theme song and the audio of the voices with the background music. We also heard some of Kyle's voice work. Holy cow! (Heh,heh!) The music was done by Andy Paley, who does the music for Sponge Bob. What a cool, cool thing. It's been fun to see all the pieces come together.

I love the theme song! I want to learn it and perform it! I don't know where, tho. Play it in a bar and people would go "Hunh?"

It's also fun seeing Lindsay so happy. She's having fun with her fun boyfriend. Fun, fun, fun. Dude, I'm down with the fun.

Our crop o' crawdads is doing fine so far. Still haven't found the first one, tho. Jeez, how far can an out-of-water crawdad crawl?

I'm still feeling good. All that dieting and exercise seem to be working, My clothes are fitting looser. I'm shortening my bra straps. Wheeee-hoo!

We got the settlement offer for Lindsay's car. We're getting $1,950. We've got to get a replacement pretty quick so our new project is cheap car shopping. Joy, joy, joy.

But hey, for now things are pretty good.


Jim said...

We could do Moobeard's theme for the next open mike night. It would lend itself well to solo piano (or uke, for that matter) accompaniment. Who'd do the backup vocals, though?

Sponge Bob is pretty cool; it walks the fine line between kid and adult appeal pretty well.
Lindsay's high school band had a Sponge Bob focus, promoted by my friend and their teacher. So, they would occasionally break out singing the Sponge Bob theme.

I love all kinds of cartoon music; I wrote a bit about it here on my blog, where you can also listen to my version of the "Herman and Katnip" theme (which inadvertently drove Donita nuts while I worked on it all those years ago).

cirvznqr - yet another spammable medicine name.

Donita Curioso said...

I dunno about doing it at open mike. Maybe another Kyle song, one that he actually wrote, would be better. In fact, HE should do open mike one of these days.

Jim said...


I went ahead and bought "Kookie's Mad Pad" off of iTunes just now. Pretty fun! Not so much singing as bop pad observations. Plaid light bulbs! I'm not sure how it'd go over at open mic, but I'll show it to Doni and see what she thinks.

Stereophonic telephone!

yytml - Yes yes, the maddest lounge!