Saturday, October 04, 2008

Hidey hay!

Look to the right on the links list. I added the weight loss blog. Now it's easier to get there.

This morning I did some much-needed yard work. Mostly I tidied up the front walk and the driveway. Doesn't sound like much but I've got three big trees that dump freakin' LOADS of debris on everything. Man, I'd love to rip them all out, especially that Shamel ash. Not much chance of that because it's a city tree. The whole street is lined with them. Very pretty and they provide lots of shade, but they have very invasive roots and they drop a bizillion seeds that cover everything. Cleaning it all up was a huge job. I also cleaned out the front planting bed, which was looking pretty sad since I haven't been watering it. I'm going to plant my succulents there but first I have to kill all the nasty, persistent weeds that have taken hold.

But it's so nice to be out there right now! The weather is nicely cool. It was supposed to rain today but it looks like that's not going to happen. I've been waiting for cooler weather so I can get stuff done outside. I want to get this place looking better so my neighbors will be happy.

In a little while I'm going to Ramona to help them with their sets for this year's field show. I know, WHY am I doing that since Paige is no longer there? Because they asked me, and because the sets are much simpler this year. All I'm doing is painting 5 big spiral shapes on fabric. And I don't even have to do the whole thing. All I have to do is the outline.

Tonight we're going to see Religulous.


vivage said...

I HATE shamel ash trees. Every 6 months the plumber used to have to clean out the sewer pipes at the MIL's house because they'd clog up the line and then the toilet would overflow.

And those freaking seeds! They cover your car and get into everything. Hated parking my car at the MIL's.

Donita Curioso said...

So far we're ok on the plumbing. The seeds are just amazing. I filled up my yard waste can almost to the top with just the seeds. I could start a Shamel ash farm.

I made a wonderful discovery today. I have bushes growing along the side of the driveway that I want removed. I haven't been watering them so they're dying. One of the hibiscus bushes was already bone dry. It was sticking out all spikey. I was standing there looking at, thinking about what I'd need to do to remove it and gave it a little kick. The whole thing just keeled over and pulled out of the ground! I was able to pull it up with almost no effort. I have one more hibiscus that's not quite dead yet. When I get that one out I'll have plenty of room for my trash cans. Yay!

I sold my truck to Gabe's brother. Another yay. I have more space in my driveway and I can stop paying insurance on it. That's another thing I can cross off my To-do List of Damocles.

Anonymous said...

Is the park named after the tree? I always figured there was a Mr. Shamel in the dim past who had... I dunno, paved the riverbottom or something.

I think it's bAzillion.

dyxwt--get a towel

vivage said...

There was a Mr. Shamel: The Shamel ash was introduced in Riverside by Dr. Archie Shamel about 1925.

I believe they were planted because they are fast growing shade trees. Too bad they are such root spreaders and seed spreaders. It's a pretty tree just too high maintenance.

Anonymous said...

Back then with all that room to spread out it must have seemed like a good idea.


Donita Curioso said...

They really do make the street look nice. Big, 50-year-old trees lining the street. I heard they used to be all over this neighborhood, but were removed on some of the streets. The people who can afford to have their yards maintained by landscapers don't get the seed build-up. My front walk is buckled in the middle because of the roots.

I just want to rip everything out and start over.