So far, so good.
We had a bit of a rough start but Dad seemed to calm down after a while. I think once he saw that the whole place wasn't going to fall apart because we were running things he was able to let go a little. Today it actually got pretty busy in the middle of the day. Pretty good for being so early.
We've knocked the prices way down. Dad's trees have been overpriced for years and I'm sure it's hurt his business. We also did a LOT of cleanup work. Drew took down all the dangerous electrical wiring that was hanging in the pepper trees. The whole place looks pretty good and it's MUCH safer.
Dede and David were able to keep Dad occupied a lot of the time which reeeeally helped. David and the boys have gone home now. Dede will be here a few more days. We'll see how it goes after she leaves. Dad behaves himself when Dede and David are here.
These are some long days. I'll be glad when it's all over.
Is there a Rancho Curioso Display? Just asking.
Brother: Ooh, good idea. Wrap some boxes for display.
Kvihchsz--the Israeli Ministry of Complaints
Maybe you ought to print up a pic of Dede and David and wear them as masks? It's a thought.
pzzbftv = sound of snoring in front of the television set.
What a GOOD idea - Doni, if you're not, you should definitely showcase your wrapping paper while people are buying trees!!! Mary
awtfw - What you say when you see a really cute kitty, but you're eating and your mouth is full!
Yes, we will be setting up the giftwrap rack in the sales shed. Today would have been a disaster. The wind was blowin' crazy. I'll take some out there tomorrow.
I love the Dede and David masks idea. Today Dede took him to church and then out for lunch. After they got home she kept him busy with little tasks. I don't know what we'll do when she goes home.
It was a good day. I had a good time working with Drew and Stacey. They're easy people to be with. We got pretty busy a couple times. I was driving the truck around the back field picking up trees and taking them to the sales shed. My back was wondering what the hell I was doing. Them trees is heavy!
It was interesting going out there this morning after last night's wind storm. We'd spent a couple days cleaning up and setting up signs. Stacey had made some beautiful chalk lines to help with the traffic flow. I had lashed a plastic light-up Santa to the railing by the shed. This morning the signs had blown away, the chalk lines were mostly gone and Santa was hanging upside down from the railing. It was reeeally blowing last night.
I took a Vicodin. My back says thank you.
gigtr- big damn Christmas tree
You missed a the last open mike of the year. A pretty good one too, what with the Canaries making their second appearance and all.
spqztf: The gutteral sound a uku player makes when his bridge snaps of the uke body and hits him in the forehead.
Rats! I guess I'll just have to see the dvd. What did you guys do?
I thought about going but I knew I'd be too wiped out from slaving away on the tree farm all day. I was right.
I don't think I'll be walking tomorrow. Well, I'll be walking, just not on Mt. Rubidoux.
dqhyrkl- Dick Herkle
Today was mellow. I like opening at 2 way more than opening at 10am. We closed at 6:30.
Tyler and B showed up after school. I had them help paint some signs. They did a good job and actually managed to not get any paint on their pants and shoes. I gave them farm t-shirts to wear so they wouldn't ruin their good clothes.
We got a bogus $100 bill!!!! Man, some people suck. Now we're not taking any bills bigger than a twenty.
Dede kept Dad busy all day. Tomorrow she and I are taking him to his ortho appointment
Your dad's getting braces?
Orthopedics. He goes to see the elbow doctor.
You funny.
qyewl- Really, really, really, really cool.
I think if you go to the bank, and tell them you're a business, they can give you one of those pens that marks the bills and turns the mark a funny color if the paper's fake. I got one when I worked in the box office and someone bought a $10 ticket and we gave him $90 back in change. That bill made it past three people before someone caught it. Mary
giuma - another vowel proper language for yes, giuma have a piece of pie!
I'm going to ask them aboout that.
The gift wrap's set up; we've sold a few sheets.
We got a counterfeit disclosing pen from the Bank; the $100 bill that they said was counterfeit might not be.
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