Monday, March 31, 2008

A quick visit with Dad

I went there this morning before work. He was in the dining room strapped into his wheelchair. He was pretty well zonked out. I sat with him for a while and got him to wake up a little. I helped him drink some juice. I misjudged a little and spilled some on him. While I was cleaning it up I said, "Sorry about that Dad. I didn't mean to spill juice on you." He said, "Yes you did." and smiled. It made me laugh. I said, "Ah ha! I knew you were still in there." Even through the AD/stroke/medication fog he can still crack a joke. He started falling asleep again so I left.

Yesterday I hung some... well, they're not really curtains. Kind of like bead curtains except there are no beads, just little straw rings linked together. I hung them over the living room windows. They look pretty cool and you can still see through them into the family room and out the windows. It's nice to get a little decorating done. Today I spent a bit of money and bought a metal pergola at K-Mart (on sale). It should fit nicely in the driveway right in front of the garage. I'm making that area into a patio. I hope I can put it together.

Scooped poop this afternoon. Three dogs can manufacture a lot of doo-doo.


vivage said...

The strength of your dad is pretty amazing.

Love the sound of those curtains, and I bet it keeps the space looking large because you can see thru them.

Dog poop, at our house it's fertilizer.

Donita Curioso said...

Ah, but your yard is four times the size of mine. It gets more concentrated in my yard. Lovely.

Yep, that's exactly what those curtains do. I really didn't want to have the place feel closed-in because the open-ness is the house's best feature. It also feels good to cross some chores off the looooong list.

I got an A on my second psych test. Tra-la-la!

vivage said...

I gues that's true but ya still don't want to walk on the grass up at the front of the yard by the fence.

Congrats on the A!

Anonymous said...

4.0 so far!


Donita Curioso said...

I is a gud stoodunt

Donita Curioso said...

Oh, by the way, I washed this grungy keyboard with warm water and a little bit of soap. I let it dry for a week and plugged it in today. It works!