Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Everything is falling apart! The valve on the washing machine is leaking. We have a big puddle on the laundry room floor. The slow drip of the bathroom faucet has turned into a stream. The auction cars' repairs keep mounting. Lindsay's laptop is in the shop. The bed in the studio has collapsed (ahem).

Fixing the bathroom faucet is a problem because you can't turn the valves all the way off. Same problem with the main house valve. There's always water running. We haven't ripped into the washing machine problem yet.

The frame for the studio bed is a cheapo trundle frame. Might have to trash that thing altogether. Ah yes, mattress on the floor. Just like the good ol' days. We'll get that taken care of before Dean comes to visit.

Dean's coming to visit!

That's a motivator. Let's get this crap handled.


Donita Curioso said...

Ok, the bed is fixed. That one wasn't too bad.

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

I think it's unethical to make the initial comment on one of your own blog entries. I mean, it's like your saying "Hey look everybody, I'm having a conversation!" Butyou're really just talking to yourself.

vfaipbzo: What they call people who comment on their own blogs.

Donita Curioso said...

I AM having a conversation....with fabulous and delicious ME!

ifnes- posessing the quality of endless possibilities.

Jim said...


I'd bet that you also think it's unethical to place punctuation immediately following a closing quote, huh? :-)

(By the way, what do your ethics say about the use of emoticans? ^_^ )

gjpeva - Good Job, Poor Eva! ;-(()

vivage said...

I don't see a problem with talking to oneself.
Me too!
dkhmq = dark ham queso

Anonymous said...

Um...sorry...bout the bed frame and all. ^_^;;

Donita Curioso said...

I'll blame Spiral.

ckmrkc- checkmark

Anonymous said...

I blame Spiral for most things.

Missus Lindsay's Mom, is you gonna post the photos from our hike?

fgxywhma: "FigsX: The Y Whamma" an obscure, hastilly cancelled FOX action programme.

Donita Curioso said...

Aw, sure! Be happy to. I'm technically challenged so I'll need Jim to help me.

Lindsay told us about the Fred pitch. Hang in there, buddy. She's coming to bring you good cheer. Are you comin' out this weekend? Bring music and lyrics. We'll go to Ken's and mess around.

FigsX: The Y Whamma. I love it! Let's see what you can do with wtxjcyxu.

Anonymous said...

wtxjcyxu: With Texas, Jesus Christ is why they execute you.

I want to come by this weekend, but I don't know if I have enough money for gas.

Donita Curioso said...

Your honey is bringing you a full tank.

Jim said...

Donita can elaborate if she wants, but anyway...

Nice visits with the girls' boyfriends this weekend.
Bathroom faucet leak: fixed.
Bed: fixed for now.
Cars: ongoing. Need a new tire on Grand Am.
Washing machine: Replaced hose washers. Seems to be fixed.

aqbnyis - Amphibian Rabbit Existence.