Monday, December 18, 2006

Congratulations, it's a Kyle!

Our dear boy got hisself eeevicted the other day. Not his fault. The landlady, who lives next door to the house where he was renting a room, just noticed that Kyle was living there after 4 years and decided she didn't want him there. So, she got her lawyer to write a letter wishing Kyle a Merry Christmas and oh by the way, get your ass outta there.

Sunday we drove to Van Nuys and moved him out. We have his stuff stored in the Timio apartment. Lindsay is working on getting some of her stuff moved out of her room so they can cozy up in there. We don't know how long Kyle will be with us. Right now he works in Calabasas, which is a 2 1/2 hour drive (a completely shitty commute). He'll try to find a job a bit closer to Riverside.

So that's where it stands for now. We're happy to have Kyle and his kitty with us. They're fairly low impact/high entertainment roomies. Now that Spiral is living here full time he just might get Katie to warm up to him. Not.

By the way, don't tell Dad that Kyle is living here.

I got some fresh inspiration last night. I made Jim wake up so I could tell him about it. I'm going to set up a big easel in one room of the apartment and start painting. I'm also going to add my portfolio to the Rancho Curioso website and put it on disc so I can easily hand it out to people. I want to start painting wall murals in people's homes (already have a customer for that one). After Christmas we're going to redo the front bathroom. The floor is badly damaged and needs to be repaired before the toilet falls through. I'm going to paint it ultra cool and add that to the portfolio. Tra-la-la! I'm ready to get to work! Oh yeah, I'm also going to start painting furniture again. These pieces will be sold through the Rancho Curioso website.

This morning Dad was pretty foggy. The only thing he had available for breakfast was some leftover potatoes and a piece of cake. I came back home and made him some eggs. I think I'll add that to the morning routine. Make him a couple eggs and take them over so he has some protein for breakfast.

Naked Trucker and T-Bones on Wednesday. This time we're dragging Paige and Ben along.

Man, it's cold!


vivage said...

Lyle drives that far and isn't out of his mind yet?

With a house full of creative types Jim might get awakened alot to hear about inspriration. Hope he doesn't get too twitchy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you all so much for taking Kyle in-I can't even describe what a comfort it is knowing that you are there for him. He has NOT had a great time of it lately, as you know, and if it were not for you guys, I don't know what he would have done. It's sooo hard being 3000 miles away from your kid!
We're looking forward to Lindsay's visit- hoping for a *little* snow for her while she's here. It's been a warm winter so far- 40's and even 50's temp. wise. This week a little colder but nothing like we're used to. Happy Holidays and thanks again for the wrapping paper :)

Donita Curioso said...

Virginia- Heh! Isn't it a drag that you can't fix typos in the comments? I'm going to start calling him Lyle.

Anne- There were a few times in my young adult life where I was at the end of my rope. Once I even lived in my car for a couple weeks. It's a horrible feeling. When Kyle came and told us he had two days to move out I could see that feeling on his face. (Yes, Virginia, I know that's a weird sentence! Heee!) Anyway, We think the world of Kyle and will do anything we can to help him out. He's so close to getting his career off the ground, he just needs to hang in there a little while longer. I'd hate to see him derailed because of this crappy situation.

Lindsay's getting very excited about going to NY. She's really looking forward to meeting the rest of Kyle's family. Yes, please arrange for just enough snow to play in and make things pretty. Temps in the 40's and 50's, eh? We Southern Californians start to really whine when it gets that cold.

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

Cake and Potatos: part of a balanced diet. Just introduce Kyle as Stan, jr.

vivage said...

Tell Kyle I should never be posting at 6:22 am. I am really a zombie at that time of the morning. It's ungodly. Really, ask anyone how I am in the morning.

Sorry Kyle!

Donita Curioso said...

No, it was my enormous station wagon. The San Diego cops kept me moving. It was hard to spend an entire night in one place.

Jim said...

Oh, and happy holidays to all of you!

- Ho Ho HoJim

Jim said...

I thought I'd chime in and say "What Donita said." I've been too friggin' busy to do any blogging of my own, really, but I just wanted you folks to know that Doni, Paige and I are happy to have the boys (Lyle and Spyrle) here (especially given the alternatives!). I'll try to minimize the suckage of the situation for Kyle. Right now, I'm off to mount a hasp on the "Timio Apartment's" front door so that we can put a padlock on it, and get it a little more secure (not that anyone has been messing with it, but you never know).

Oh, and by the way, a pox upon Kyle's previous land"lady". Two days' notice in an email of "anonymous" legalese, just before Christmas, practically the shortest (and close to the coldest) day of the year... sheesh! When I heard that, I made a very bad face too.

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

Actually, it's not legal. She is required by law to give Kyle 30 days notice in writing so that Kyle would have enough time to have wild orgies and tear up the floor boards. It's the foundation of our democracy.

That and the right to bare arms.

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

In fact, if he gave her any kind of deposit, he should take her to small claims to get it back, under the circumstances. Yes, I know it's probably not worth it financially. But why pass up the opprtunity to give an ulcer to someone who has dicked around with your well-being.

vivage said...

Nobody in their right minds would bare arms in this kind of weather.

Donita Curioso said...

Kyle didn't have an official agreement with her. He rented his room from the woman who was renting the house from the landlady. He had half a month's rent that he could have gotten back but he and his room mate decided she could use it to have the room cleaned. The room mate is getting screwed too. She won't be able to afford to live in the house without renting out the extra room.

Anyway, sometimes it's best to just walk away. He was given only two days and that's just not enough time to plan a proper orgy. The house is built on a slab and the carpet was in pretty bad shape already. Better to just leave well enough alone. He did leave a pretty heavy computer behind. That's the best he could do under the circumstances.

Jim said...

Kyle, his housemate Susan and I discussed legal options a bit, but Kyle just wanted it over with. Susan would have been willing to "take her to court," but we all knew that that was more work than the place was worth. My experience has been that not signing a rental agreement makes people HARDER to evict, not easier. But what the hey, it's over with.

(When it comes to ham and eggs, the hen is a participant, but the pig is committed. Not that that's relevant or anything...)

Brother Atom Bomb of Reflection said...

Ok, Jim. But how do you explain Hammond Organs?

Jim said...

Hammonds are played by Committed Participants.

("Tv's Kyle and the Committed Participants", heh...)