Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Bird in a blanket

This morning after I got out of the shower I went into my room to get ready for school. Lio was pouncing on my blanket and looking very agitated. I thought maybe Ivy was under there but there was no Ivy-sized lump in the blanket. I didn't want Lio to rip a hole in my nice blanket so I picked it up and shook it out. Something fluttered and Lio freaked. He ran over and caught it but I grabbed him and made him let it go. That's when I saw that it was a bird. A bird in my bedroom. A healthy, uninjured bird. I think Ivy must have brought it in and decided to show off in front on Lio. Sure enough, Ivy was right outside the door.

I put both cats outside and blocked the kitty door. When I went back into my room the bird flew into the closet. I didn't have time to deal with it then so I went to school. When I got home the bird was up on top of the curtains. I went to the window and unhooked the screen. It was as if the bird was waiting for exactly that to happen because it flew over my shoulder and out the window. Happy ending for the bird.

I've had cats for years but these kittens are the huntingest cats I've ever had. And they just love to bring their still alive trophies in the house. We've had 2 birds, a few lizards, a mouse and a giant grasshopper. Sometimes the lizards arrive in pieces and a couple times I've stepped on them. Barefoot. In the dark. There's nothing that'll give you a major case of the willies like cold lizard guts stuck to the bottom of your foot.

I'm going to bed. Pretty soon Lio will join me and probably lay down on my head. That's fine as long as he's alone.


Anonymous said...

Funny story! We get chipmunks and voles, birds, an occasional garter snake (ugh), and last week (not brought in by the cats) a raccoon decided to waltz in through the back sliders, which I (used to) keep open so the cats can go in & out at their leisure. I heard a clanking in the kitchen- thought Moo Moo was tipping his food bowl, and there was this very healthy looking 'coon helping himself to the cat food. Beeker & Moo Moo were just looking at him!~ I went outside to search for a "weapon"-decided on a shovel, went back in and banged the shovel on the tile floor. he ran out the door and that was that :)
Gotta love living in the country.

VO said...

Ick. Stepping on dead things. Our dogs hunt but don't bring dead things inside. Thinking about this, I'm happy.

One of my friends used to have a doggie door into her kitchen. A skunk came in and yes, the entire kitchen was sprayed with skunk juice. The dog too.

Wildlife needs to stay in the great outdoors.

VO said...

Oh and btw, I'm glad the bird lived and I'm sure it's telling all it's birdy friends how you save it's life.

Donita Curioso said...

Anne- EEEKK!!! Cooner in the house! No, no, no! I guess it's time for you to install a cat door. That opening's too small for an adult raccoon. You gotta be careful dealing with those guys. There's not much that they're afraid of.

V0- Oh man, there's nothing like skunk spray when it's right there where you are. I would think you'd have to demolish the entire kitchen after that.

Our Sally dog got sprayed. This was many years ago. Jim and Michele and I were in the living room playing music. It was the middle of summer and the house was wide open. Suddenly Sally ran in and dove under Jim's keyboard. For about a split second I was wondering what was wrong with her. Them the smell hit! Man, that shit does something to your brain! Just then the phone rang. I answered it but I couldn't talk. I just couldn't think. It's one of the weirdest things I've ever experienced.

We put Sally outside. I felt bad for her. The worst thing that had ever happened to her and NOBODY would give her a hug.

It used to really bother me when I smelled skunk from a distance. Now that I've experienced it up close it doesn't bother me anymore.

persolka- Personal polka

VO said...

Everything in their kitchen had to be refinished, repainted, re-floored. Big mess.

I've only been close enough to skunk juice to have my eyes water and burn. It's bad juju juice.

Anonymous said...

A couple of days ago I was filling the bird bath and I heard kerfuffle in the trees and down PLOP came a young pigeon. He was hurt from fighting or falling, I don't know which. Fred picked him up and ran toward the house and I pictured me trying to get him out from under the king size bed spewing pigeon guts all over, but I guess my "FREDDY NOOOOOO" was sufficiently threatening because he dropped it.

I put it in that hanging basket you gave me with rags bunched up in the bottom. I thought he was getting better, but I think in the heat of the afternoon he wanted out of the basket (I should have thought of that) and dive bombed onto the ground again.

When I went to check on him, there was ANOTHER pigeon on the ground. This one had had its guts chewed. Don't know which dog did it.

Gives new meaning to the phrase "pigeon droppings".


Donita Curioso said...

Ooh, weird. Two pigeons croaking in your yard on the same day is a little suspicious. I wonder if someone in your neighborhood is using some kind of poison. How's the West Nile in your area? Remember all the crows that used to fly over Riverside? One year they just disappeared. West Nile got 'em.

Lindsay said...

I remember when Sally got sprayed! Then you guys gave her a tomato juice bath and she was all pink!

Griffith Park in LA always always ALWAYS smells like skunk.

Repolver- what repo guys use when they encounter difficult customers.

Donita Curioso said...

Yep, she was pink and skunky. It happened to her again about a year later but it wasn't a direct hit. I think she realized she was about to make a huge mistake and turned away in time.

Damn, I miss that dog. She really was the best.