Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Poor, neglected blog

I think Facebook has killed my blog. Evil Facebook. Pretty dumb since this is the place where I live. This blog has gotten me through the toughest of times. I love being able to go back and read some of the old posts. I'm amazed at some of the things we went through, and so glad to be on the other side of it all. Still, even when I was going through the worst of it, there was plenty to laugh about.

This phase of my life doesn't seem to have much of an identity. I went through those years of being Daughter and Caregiver of Crazy Alzheimer's Dad, and then Grieving Widow. Pretty potent shit. Now things are foggier and more bogged down. Kinda swampy. That tough stuff was tough, but at least there was life in it. This? I don't really know what this is.

I'm such a blob. Physically, things have been difficult. My back was giving me a lot of trouble (fixed for now), and I've been inconsistent with getting exercise. My body and I aren't such good friends right now. I'm kind of ok with it, because that situation will soon change. Other parts of my life are blobby as well. The house still overwhelms me, but I've been enjoying getting some work done. I've been marking things off my to-do list, which feels pretty good. Some things are moving in a good direction, others are stagnant. I've been getting back to my old mantra- More out than in, more out than in... Today I took a carload of stuff to donate to the Ramona cheer squad's rummage sale. Yes, it's come to this. I've donated to cheerleaders.

The blobbiest thing of all is my shitty job. Man, I wish just one person there knew what it's all about. Those of us who are new certainly don't know, but damn, shouldn't the people who've been there twenty years have it down by now? There's no real leadership in that office. No unity or caring. No teamwork. Everyone is just doing their own job.

Today I snuck off to an empty office and poked around looking at job postings and websites. Technically it's kosher, because that's part of what we do. But I wasn't trying to find a job for someone else. I filled out the job search page on the Kaiser website. It didn't come up with a single match for the criteria I entered. Getting the hell out of the DSPS office is going to take some time.

This isn't the lowest point of my life. Things are hovering just below the neutral line. It's time for a kick in the ass. A big, juicy project would help. I've barely touched my uke in the last couple months. I guess I just need something to get excited about. Ok, that's it. I'm calling a plumber tomorrow. Time to take on that front bathroom.


Donita Curioso said...

I did it. I called the plumber. The ass-kicking has begun.

tim snead said...

Omigod! You're going to beat up a PLUMBER?

Donita Curioso said...

Heh! And I haven't even met him yet. I've never been happy with any plumber I've hired. I might as well kick his ass BEFORE he does the work.

But I have high hopes for this guy.

No, this time I'm kicking my own ass. Luckily, it's a big target.

devina- the psychic who lives next door.